
I Hear the Cry of the Kappa (Japan x Reader)

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Literature Text

A small giggle echoed through the room as Japan awoke from his sleep. Sitting up in his bed the black haired male glanced around his room.

Nothing...just like every morning. Only a dream yet again.

With a sigh the young man got up to start his day. Japan shuffled into his bathroom and glanced at himself in the mirror. His hair was sticking up in several areas begging to be brushed down. He opened the drawer where he usually kept his brush only to find it empty.

"What? Where could I have placed it?" Japan mused out loud as he moved some things around in his drawer.

He was about to go and check his bedroom when the sound of a ringing phone echoed through the bathroom. Rushing to pick it up, Japan cleared his throat before answering.

"Hello, Kiku Honda speaking."

"Japan, I apologize for calling so early but I was curious if you'd still like to meet up at your house to discuss the trade issue? What time would be best for you?"

"England, I almost forgot about our meeting. China is coming to discuss the matters too so I think three o'clock would be appropriate."

"Of course, I will see you then."

Japan hung up the phone and shook his head. He had completely forgot about the meeting he was having today. The dreams he had been having this week weren't helping to keep his mind on track either.

Even hundreds of years later Japan was never quite himself around this time of the year. For everyone else tomorrow would just be another day, for him it would be a reminder. It was a day he both dreaded and looked forward to but for now he needed to focus on the matter at hand today.

Walking back into the bathroom Japan cocked his head to the side as he saw his brush waiting for him on the sink.

"So we've reached an agreement?" England asked the two men sitting at the table.

"It sounds fine to me." China said nodding slightly.

"I am in agreement as well." Japan said.

"Very well we can just si- would you stop that it's distracting!?" England called out to someone behind China.

Both China and Japan turned around only to see absolutely nothing. They turned to England with questioning looks on their faces.

"Who me?" China asked pointing to himself, sure that England had been referring to him instead of anything else.

"No the little...nevermind." England said, shooting a glare to the same spot.

"Uhh we just sign here right?" China asked trying to change the subject.

"Yes of course." England said turning his head to glance around Japan's home.

He'd visited once before and realized several spirits lived in this house. They were so vivid to him that he often forgot other people couldn't see them the way he could. After years of this he was pretty used to it. Spirits seemed to wander in all places even the ones you wouldn't expect.

Some were rather happy beings that hung around because it pleased them. Others were stuck here, unable to move on for various reasons. Many of them grew excited when they realized England was able to see them. They would try and get his attention and want to talk.

This particular one had been irritating him throughout the entire meeting. They seemed playful to say the least, as they made bunny ears behind China's head or made faces at Japan. Currently twirling around the room England began to wonder if this ghost ever gave Japan issues, seeing as they were quite mischievous.

He glanced at Japan and China reading over the contract once more and preparing to sign. Turning his attention back to the ghost at hand he saw them attempting to reach a small oragami bird on the top shelf. He watched as delicate fingers brushed past it just enough for it to flutter to the ground.

England felt a breeze blow in and carry the small thing out Japan's open door. As this was happening a small gasp was heard from Japan. The Japanese man stood immediatly and jogged over to where the paper had drifted out.

Sticking his head out the door and looking side to side the distraught man couldn't see a trace of the paper bird. Both men at the table were shocked to see Japan step outside and attempt to find the small trinket.

"Oh no, that was very important to Japan. I hope he finds it." China mumbled as he finished signing the contract.

"Well I hope you're happy." England said scolding the now teary-eyed spirit.

"Who me?" China asked, offended.

"No he- forget it. Why is that paper bird so important to him?"

"It was given to him a long time ago by a friend...a human friend."

"I see, I suppose this human friend is long gone now?"

"Yes, it wasn't Japan's first experience with having a human close to him die. But let's just say (Y/N) was gone far before her time."

"What happened?"

"Japan would never admit it but I believe she was his first love. He was only a child at the time and would tell me all about the girl he met at the river."

Japan sighed as he walked through the fluffy grass. His older brother China was always so clingy with him; sometimes he just wanted to be left alone. It wasn't easy getting away from him but now that he finally did all he wanted was some peace and quie-


Japan wanted to just turn around and mind his own business but the screams kept coming louder and louder. Finally deciding to try and help Japan ran through the grass as quick as his short legs could take him.

He stopped when he reached the river. A small girl was sitting there soaked, her back facing Japan as she stared into the water.

"Excuse me are you okay?"

Turning around Japan saw that she didn't look distressed at all but rather she seemed to have been laughing. Her (E/C) twinkled as she ran up to the small boy.

"Hi! Did I scare you? I was being a little too loud because we were having a splash fight!"

"Umm 'we'?" Japan asked looking over her shoulder to see if he'd missed someone.

"Yea me and the kappa!"

"Kappa?" Japan tilted his head to the side slightly. He'd heard about these creatures but had never seen one. He heard that they dragged small children into the water to drown and was curious if that's what this one was trying to do.

"Don't worry this one is nice! I met him last year when I was looking for rocks down here. I saw him in the water and remembered what my mother told me about Kappas enjoying cucumber. I had just gotten back from buying vegetables so I threw one in the water. He promised not to hurt me and we have been friends ever since."

"Wow you are lucky that he didn't eat you." Japan mumbled as he tried to glance into the water.

"What's your name?" The young girl asked smiling brightly.

"Ja...Kiku." The child said offering the girl a bow. She bowed back quickly.

"Hello, Kiku, I'm (Y/N). Do you want to stay by the water with me and play?"

The young boy stiffened as the girl grabbed onto his hand. She noticed his discomfort and pulled away quickly.

"I have paper; we can make animals out of them. Please?" (Y/N) asked staring into his brown eyes pleadingly.

"Well okay, but only for a little while. My brother will worry about me."

(Y/N) nodded as Japan moved to where she had been sitting. Before he sat down the young girl held her hand out to him.

"Wait before you sit down you need to feed the kappa! He promised to look after me but you're a stranger to him!"

Japan took the small piece of cucumber in the girl's hand and tossed it into the river. To his surprise a flick of green came above the water to snatch up the vegetable before disappearing.

"There now you will be safe!"

The young girl sat down and began pulling out sheets of paper. She divided them up between the two before patting the spot next to her. Shyly, Japan sat next to (Y/N) and took the paper she handed him.

Both got to work with their origami. While Japan seemed to be a master at this, (Y/N) struggled with them. All of her pieces ended up crooked or misshapen. Japan admired that even after failing so many times she wasn't giving up.

"So (Y/N) you said that the kappa promised to look after you? What do you mean?"

"Well when we were talking he asked me to swim with him. I told him I didn't know how to swim and was afraid to get in the water. After that day he promised to make sure I was okay in the water and that he wouldn't let anything bad happen to me as long as he was there."

"That sounds rather nice to have someone so concerned for you."

"What about you? You said you have a brother, I'm sure he is concerned for you just like the kappa is for me."

"No, Chi...I mean Yao, is always trying to change me. He wants me to be just like him and doesn't approve when I try to do things my own way."

"I'm sure he still loves you though. He's your big brother it's his job to be kind of bossy."

"Maybe you're right. Hey that one looks good." Japan said as he noticed the paper bird in (Y/N)'s hand.

"Do you really think so?"

Japan nodded and watched the girl's smile increase tenfold.

"Great then he's all yours!" (Y/N) said shoving the paper into his hands. "You can keep it as a sign of our friendship."

"Friends?" Japan blinked at the little girl. He'd never truly had friends; he was always so isolated.

"Yeah, so promise you'll keep it forever okay!? As long as you have it we can always be friends!"

Japan allowed himself to smile at (Y/N), clutching his new-found treasure closer to his heart.

"Kiku! Kiku!" (Y/N) waved her hands at the young boy, who was already waiting by the river.

"Good morning (Y/N)." Japan said calmly as the girl settled beside him.

"Did you bring the cucumber today?" (Y/N) asked expectantly.

Japan reached into his bag to grab the kappa's food. He and (Y/N) always took turns bringing the cucumber to the river. They had been meeting here for quite some time and they always stuck to the same routine.

Standing up, both children approached the river and tossed in their piece. Each bowed to the kappa as it came up for food before diving back down quickly. Japan had never seen the kappa completely, unlike (Y/N), but he had caught glimpses of it all the time.

Both children made their way to their spot under the large tree by the river. Sometimes they talked or played, other times they just napped together in the cool breeze. Right now both were laying beside each other staring up at the tree's leaves.

"Kiku, how old are you?"

"Hmm why would you ask that?"

"Well because when people get married the girl is younger."

"Y-you want to get married?" Japan stuttered trying not to let his face get too red.

"Not now but maybe when we are both adults. Other boys are mean and I don't ever want to marry another boy unless it's you."

"O-oh, how old do you think I am?"

"Well your face and height looks five but you act really old. Your eyes look old too."

"How can eyes look old?"

"I don't know but when I look at them they don't seem five. They look like a grandfather's. Your brother's look the same way."

Japan didn't truly understand what (Y/N) meant. He and China didn't have any wrinkles near their eyes so how could they look old? Thinking of China, Japan smiled to himself remembering when he first introduced (Y/N) to him. China couldn't stop saying how cute she was, picking her up and hugging her like a stuffed animal. The look on (Y/N)'s face had been hysterical.

"Kiku are you listening?" (Y/N) asked as she waved a hand in front of his face. "You didn't answer my question."

"Oh I'm six." Japan said remembering the age his brother had always told him to give strangers.

(Y/N) pouted a little, clearly not happy with his answer.

"I'm seven; I think that means now we can't get married."

"I think we can. There's no law saying you have to be younger than me, but if you want we can lie and say I'm eight."

"But you're too small to be eight!"

"I'm no that small, and I'll get bigger someday. So don't worry it will work out."

Japan watched (Y/N) smiled at his comforting words before laying her head back down on the ground. Honestly he knew it wouldn't work out. He'd seen it happen before. Humans die much faster than countries. Someone like (Y/N) would only be with him for a little while. But all that meant was that he needed to appreciate the time he had with her now.

He knew one day she would begin to grow older and question why he remained the same. When that day came he would have to tell her the truth. He hoped they would be able to stay friends even when she was a teenager or an adult or a woman old enough to look like his grandmother. Japan knew that she would eventually want to get married to someone who looked her age and the thought made his heart drop a little.

At least for now he knew he had a few years. He watched (Y/N) yawn and begin to drift off to sleep. He took felt his eyes droop. Unconsciously he snuggled closer to her and let sleep take him.

Japan awoke to (Y/N) squirming around. Opening his eyes he was met with darkness.

"Kiku let go! It's late; we're going to get in trouble! I can't believe we slept that long." (Y/N) said in a panicked voice.

"You're right. Yao is probably worried and so are your parents. Do you want me to walk you home?"

"No you need to make sure you get home to your brother. I'll probably be grounded for a long time which means I won't be able to meet you here." (Y/N) said looking at the ground.

"Oh." Japan said a little disappointed.

"Maybe I can sneak out. Wait for me here tomorrow okay? I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Okay I'll wait."


"I promise."

"Good, now go home before Yao sends an army after you."

Japan was about to grab his stuff to leave when he felt (Y/N)'s tiny lips press to his cheek. He didn't pull away for once but held his hand over the spot she had kissed. The young girl blushed before turning around and waving bye to him.

He watched her form disappear past the trees as he stood there still stunned. Looking down he could see that (Y/N) had left her bag on the ground. He debated chasing her to give it back but decided it would be best to wait until tomorrow. With that he picked up her stuff and headed home.

The black-haired boy tossed around in his sleep, as the sound of his brother's voice reached his ears. Sitting up he could hear the voice coming from the other room.

'We never have visitors this early. I wonder who China is talking to?' Japan thought as he made his way to the door. He was about to walk in when a certain name caught his attention.

"Are you sure it was (Y/N)'s?" China's voice asked sounding distressed.

"Unfortunately there is no doubt. You said Kiku had her bag correct? We believe she may have gone back to retrieve it and slipped."

"But you haven't found her yet so that means there's hope right?"

"Her family informed us that (Y/N) couldn't swim. I'm afraid that right now things are pointing to her-"

"What's going on? What's wrong with (Y/N)?" Japan asked allowing his worry to show as he ran into the room, holding (Y/N)'s bag.

The man China was talking to offered a bow to both the brother's before walking out. Japan saw his older brother's eyes appeared red and glossy. China attempted to put on a strong face as he beckoned Japan to sit next to him. Slowly the little boy made his way over.

"Japan you remember that talk we had about humans? Remember how I told you that we live longer than all of them?"

"What does that have to do with anything?" Japan asked letting his eyes grow a bit wide.

"It's about (Y/N)."

"It has nothing to do with (Y/N). She's seven; that's young even in human years."

"I know I know, that's what makes this so hard for everybody. Humans don't just die when they get old they die because of a lot of things. Sometimes things that you can't control."

"No, China what are you saying?"

"(Y/N)'s gone, Japan. They found her shoe floating in the river. I'm sorry." China whimpered allowing tears to fall.

The Chinese man had grabbed onto his younger brother and held him in an embrace. He always knew him to be a stoic child and expected he would choose to suffer in silence. It was surprising when he felt small hands push his chest away. China had never seen more emotion in the young boy's face and was shocked to hear the child's voice as he spoke.

"That's not true! The kappa protects her! He makes sure she doesn't drown because she can't swim!"

"Japan kappa aren't-"

"No! She told me to wait by the river! She promised to sneak out today and meet me there! She'll be there I know she will!" Japan tugged out of China's embrace completely before running out of the house.

"Japan come back!"

The young boy ignored his brother's calls as he made his way down to the river. People on the street watched him stumble over himself as he ran through town. He fell and scrapped his knees and hands several times before he reached his destination.

He reached into (Y/N)'s bag pulling out a piece of cucumber they had left from days before. Tossing it into the water Japan was surprised to see it remain floating untouched.

"You're not hungry today? That's okay; I have more if you change your mind." Japan said taking a seat under the tree.

And there he waited. A few minutes turned to an hour then that hour turned into five.

"(Y/N) where are you? You said you'd come meet me here. You even made me promise." Without even realizing it tears ran down the boys face.

"You said on this day you would be here." Japan kept repeating the phrase to himself over and over.

"Japan! Japan!"

The young boy's head shot up at the loud voice. He hoped to look up and see (Y/N) smiling like always, apologizing for being late. Instead his brother ran through the tree leaves.

"Japan, I was worried. Are you okay?" China asked reaching down to stroke the boy's hair.

"I don't understand the kappa said he'd save her. Why didn't he?"

"Japan have you ever actually seen this thing? They aren't real, it's just stories. (Y/N) was such an imaginative girl and-"

"They are real! Look!" Japan stood up and continued to throw his offerings into the water.

The small green pieces floated at the surface, untouched by anything other than fish. Japan sank to his knees not caring if his brother heard him sobbing. His tiny fists rubbed at his eyes while tears continued to flow.

China walked over to the boy and lifted him up into his arms. The boy buried his face into the man's chest, clinging to his shirt tightly. Japan's whole body was shaking with sobs as China attempted to rub soothing circles on his back.

Turning his head China saw a small muddy patch in the ground. It had been smeared down as if someone slipped on it. He winced at the sight and held his brother closer.

"Come on let's go home." China said as he began walking away.

"But what if she comes back? I promised to wait."

China ignored the cries of the struggling child as he carried him home.

~End Flashback~
"That was the only time I ever saw Japan cry like that. He went back to isolating himself and being more stoic than I'd ever seen him."

"And the girl? (Y/N), did they ever find her?"

"Nothing, not even a body. They say the currant was strong that day and it would be impossible to figure out where she ended up. After  that day Japan stopped believing in all sorts of folklore and fairytales. It's hard for them as kids you know?"

"Trust me, I know, America went through a hard time as well. It made me feel so useless because there was nothing I could do about it."

Before China could respond Japan came back in looking out of breath. To everyone's dismay, his hands were empty.

"Forgive me for running off." Japan said as he bowed to both men. "I believe we were finished with the contract correct? Please feel free to stay the night as it is getting rather dark. Excuse me."

Both men watched Japan walk off to his room and close the door.

"One of us has to stay to lock the door." China said gathering his stuff.

"I'll stay; I'd like to have a few words with a certain someone."

China didn't seem to understand but nodded anyway and left quietly. England glanced around the room trying to find the little girl that had just caused this mess. He found her sitting quietly in the corner of the room wiping away tears.

"You shouldn't be playing with his stuff you know. It was very important to him and now it's gone."

The young girl nodded her head and stared down at her feet in shame. England felt a pain in his heart watching how heartbroken she looked. He had seen her running around the house before but never bothered asking for her name. England wasn't even sure if she could talk.

"Love, what's your-"

The young girl cut him off as she jumped up and ran to the door. England watched as she threw her arms around a green creature. He heard her giggling as the thing hugged her back.

"I finally did it. I found everything, you can do it tomorrow!" A familiar voice called out.

Moving closer England came face to face with his old friend he had met at Japan's house once. He walked into the light allowing himself to be seen.

"Well look who it is. Hello, Mr. England! It sure is great to see you."

"It's great to see you too. I thought you were going to the mountains?"

"Ahh me and my friend were just going to find something for (Y/N) here. It took us awhile but we finally got it."

"Oh I see. Wait (Y/N)?"

England looked at the little girl immediately. Sure enough her (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes were just as China had described them. And if this was (Y/N) then...

"You're the kappa from the story, the one that let (Y/N) die." England said with shock dripping from his voice.

The young girl quickly shook her head and hugged the kappa tighter. She appeared angry as she puffed out her cheeks at England.

"Unfortunetly you're right." (Y/N) looked at the kappa in surprise. "Now (Y/N) let me explain to him. I vowed to protect this young lady the day I met her. I watched over her whenever I could. That night that she fell into the water I had been caught in a fisherman's net upstream. I eventually got free but when I returned I saw that I was too late. The water was strong and I tried to pull her on land. I only grabbed her shoe and she was washed away. When Mr. Japan came back the next day I was too ashamed to show my face to him. I tried speaking to him later but he no longer believed in me and couldn't even see me."

England could see a tear roll down the side of the kappa's face. A pudgy hand reached out to wipe it away as (Y/N) pat his head for comfort.

"You weren't there at the time?"

"No and regretted it everyday. (Y/N) here could never move on because she promised Mr. Japan that she would meet him at that spot. She wanted to speak to him several times but was incapable. Every year on the day she died Mr. Japan goes to the river and waits for her to show up. This year she's finally going to do it."

"I don't understand why didn't she do so before?"

"She lost her ability to talk when her body was scattered. I searched all this time trying to find everyone of her bones so that she can finally be at peace."

"Thats what you went to the mountains for. Where is this river?"

"Not too far from here. Mr. Japan never could find it in his heart to leave. I'll miss having (Y/N) here but she's been stuck on Earth far too long; I think she deserves a nice rest, don't you?"

"Indeed that would be nice. I'm heading off to bed, I suppose I'll see you two tomorrow?"

"You can count on it."

Japan lie awake as he watched the morning sun creep up his windows. He hadn't been able to sleep much last night. He found his mind was stuck on (Y/N) and her paper bird.

He swore to always keep it and now it was gone. It was the only thing that kept her here. So many years later people have forgotten her name, history has overlooked her, it almost makes him wonder if there had ever been a girl named (Y/N).

Was see too like the kappa? Was she merely a figment of someone's imagination that was so detailed it became real to them? Did he, as a lonely child, invent a girl and her story only to cure his loneliness?

It didn't matter what she was, point is she was gone and so was the last part of her. Japan had long ago accepted she was dead. If not by the water than by old age itself. Still it didn't stop him from going down to the river on the day she promised to meet him, the morning she died.

Sitting up in bed Japan was startled by the appearance of the paper bird right outside his bedroom window. Bolting out of bed, Japan opened his window to make a grab for it. To his dismay it slipped right out of his fingers.

He watched the wind begin to carry it away. Determined not to lose it again the young man carefully but quickly lowered himself out the window and chased after it.

Not caring about his footwear Japan chased the paper bird as fast as he could. It was like deja vu as people gave him strange looks as he ran through town. As if happening all over again Japan was tripping over himself as he reached for the bird.

Knees red and bleeding, palms dirtied and sore Japan finally reached the river. He watched as the little paper bird landed right underneath the tree. Rushing over to it Japan picked it up as delicately as possible. Like he did once many years ago he held it to hit heart before looking around.

"(Y/N) where are you?" Japan whispered as he always did, knowing he would get no answer.

"Kiku! Kiku!"

The man's head shot up and in the distance he could just make out the silhouette of a young girl waving at him. In her arms was a make-shift bag out of cloth. He was certain that this was just a dream as the figure drew closer to him. Before he even realized a young girl was staring up at him with wide eyes and a smile.

"Did I scare you?" (Y/N) asked with a giggle at the face Japan was making.

Dropping the paper bird Japan knelt down to the girl's height before pulling her into a desperate embrace. To his surprise she didn't fade away like he thought she would. Instead she held him just as tightly. A thin hand brushed through her (H/C) as if feeling that she was real.

"(Y/N) how-"

"I never left. I was always there with you even if I couldn't talk to you. I would help you find your things when you misplaced them, I locked the doors when you forgot, I even cleaned up a little whenever your scary German friend was coming over."

Japan let a nervous giggle burst from his lips. He hadn't realized he was crying until he felt (Y/N)'s hands brush the tears away.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N)." Japan said as he lifted her up off the floor, holding her against his upper body.

"For what?" (Y/N) asked genuinely curious.

"That night that you went back for your things, I was going to take them to you. I should have followed you and gave it back. I should have walked you home but I just said tomorrow and then that tomorrow never came. It wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for me."

(Y/N) was surprised by this realization. She knew he had always been hung up on her death but she never knew it was out of guilt. The (E/C) eyes girl felt the top of her head getting soaked with tears as her old friend continued to sob harshly.

"It's not your fault Kiku. It's not anybody's fault. I slipped into the water and it was just my time to go. Thank you for holding onto me for all these years and for keeping your promise even when I didnt keep my p-part. I-i m-missed you." (Y/N) began to hiccup as she cried as well.

"I missed you too. It was foolish to believe some magical creature would protect you."

"That's where you're wrong Kiku. The kappa tried to save me. That morning when I fell into the water he was in trouble. A fisherman caught him in his net and he tried to get out. He couldn't get out in time though. It wasn't his fault either. He has been watching me ever since and made sure I could talk to you today."

"(Y/N) I don't know if I believe in that anymo-"

"He's in the river right now. Mr. Kappa!" (Y/N) called out cutely.

To Japan's surprise a green creature rose from the water and stared at the two with tears and a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Japan. It's good to see you again."

"H-hello." It was impossible, this was just a creature of folklore. They weren't actually real but there it was right in front of him.

"I never thought I would get the chance to have you look at me again. I never even had the opportunity to tell you how sorry I was."

"I-I don-"

"He forgives you right Kiku?" (Y/N) asked smiling at Japan expectantly. The young man stared at her for awhile before returning to smile.

"She's right, I forgive you." Japan said in a faint whisper.

With a smile the kappa disappeared back into the water allowing the two time to talk. (Y/N) continued to stare into the water while Japan examined her face.

"I know what you mean now." He said snapping the young girl out of her thoughts


"Your face still looks the same as when I last saw you. But your eyes don't look seven anymore. Your eyes look old like mine."

"You're right. Now you look older and taller than me though. I guess that means we could get maried right?" (Y/N) asked jokingly.

"I think you're still too small for that."

"What about now?"

Japan was shocked at the maturation in her voice as she spoke. Before he even noticed what was happening he was staring back at a much older girl. Her (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes were the spitting image of (Y/N). She was taller and appeared to be only a little younger than himself. It was something he never thought he'd see: (Y/N) if she had grown up like she was supposed to.

"I can look like a child and I may still sometimes act like one but Kiku I'm not a little girl anymore. I was able to grow as I watched you grow. And because of that I can say that I love you. I have always loved you and only found myself loving you more with each year that I stayed by your side. You were and still are my everything. I lived and died just to be here with you right now in this very spot. Say you love me too?"

Japan held the woman before him like he had been when he first saw her. He didn't know if it was right, was she still a child? Did she know the meaning of love? Could he tell her he loved her all this time? Looking into those strong (E/C) eyes he found the answer to all his questions.

"I do love you too." Surprising (Y/N), Japan placed his lips lightly upon hers.

It was a sweet innocent kiss, one they should have shared centuries ago but it never felt more right then it did in this moment. Pulling away Japan rested his forehead onto (Y/N)'s.

"Why didn't you talk to me sooner?" Japan mumbled trying to steady his beating heart.

"I couldn't. I was in pieces and it prevented me from talking until it was all brought to on place. But the kappa, he helped me find my body."

"Your body?" Japan looked down to the bag (Y/N) had been carrying.

Glancing at (Y/N), Japan could see a tired and sad look in her eyes.

"Will you bury me, Kiku? Will you help me rest?"

"Rest? (Y/N), no, don't leave me again."

"I have to, it hurts. It hurts staying here for so long. But I was willing to do anything to talk to you one more time. I wanted to keep my promise."

"(Y/N) please."

"Kiku, we didn't get to say goodbye the first time. We couldn't let go for years and years. Now it's time...we can do that now."

"Okay...okay." Japan had more tears running from his eyes.

"Thank you, Kiku."

Turning towards the tree Japan could see someone had already brought a shovel. Reluctantly but bravely Japan started digging. (Y/N) entertained him with stories about the other spirits in his house. She told him about all the things she'd seen while living with him, expressing a liking towards his German and Italian friends.

"Kiku? I think it's deep enough." (Y/N) said quietly.

"No, it's not ready. If I'm making you a grave, I'm doing it properly." Japan said as he continued to dig harshly. He stopped as a hand was placed onto his shoulder.

"It's ready...I'm ready."

Rising up from the hole he dug, Japan pulled (Y/N) in one more time. He placed a kiss to her forehead and held her for as long as he could.

"Don't forget about me okay?" Japan asked the girl, his voice cracking slightly.

"I promise. I love you so much."

"I love you too. Goodbye (Y/N).

"Goodbye Kiku."

Japan felt her body become lighter and lighter until he was holding nothing. Tear dripped off his chin as he lowered the bag of remains into the ground and began covering it with dirt.

In the distance he could see England watching the scene unfold, smiling before walking away humming a tune. Japan could hear his own sobs mixing with the sound of rushing water. He could hear the leaves crunching from the many animals wandering about. He could hear crying from the river, which he knew belonged to the kappa. And if he listened very closely he could hear a giggle echo through the wind.
So this is what happens when I am slacking on my accounting homework and decide to watch Hetalia instead. I came across that episode where England discovers those two creatures in Japan's house. It never occurred to me that the large green one was a kappa until just recently. I have always been in love with folklore and knew a few kappa facts. This plus that little ghost girl at the end made me want to write a reader insert.
I realize now that I didn't say it in the story but kappas are known to love cucumber so that is why the reader feeds him that. Don't think that was just random XD Honestly google kappas and you can find quite a bit of cool information. 
I am actually terrified of water creatures so googling this gave me the creeps when I clicked on the image search.

I have been so focused on my Attack on Titan story that I forget that half of my watchers watch me for Hetalia. So here you go guys! Sorry if Japan is super out of character I just don't like portraying him as totally emotionless and I have never written for him before. I hope you enjoy my story and that you leave me a comment because I love hearing from you all!

This was typed on my phone so there are bound to be mistakes. So I apologize in advance. 

Also I do not own the image about or Hetalia only this plot!
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Hai2Chu's avatar
I usually never show emotion or cry. But this story got me in tears and almost sobbing, it was beautifully written and was an amazing story!